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Our Purpose is helping our customers change the world and to support this we build long-term trust with our customers, our people, our partners, and our communities.
We have been committed for many years to a responsible Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) approach, ‘Winning Together for our People and our Planet’, which underpins Our Purpose. We recognise that the long-term future of our company, our people, and our planet relies on an enduring commitment to sustainability.
This is a fundamental part of how we work day-to-day. We focus on the areas that are most important to us and our stakeholders, and where we can make the biggest difference. The strategy has three pillars (People, Planet, and Solutions) and is underpinned by communications, governance, standards, and frameworks. Each area is owned by a member of the Group Executive, which ensures alignment and accountability across the organisation, engaging and empowering our people to achieve our Sustainability objectives.
Ensuring sustainable operations Taking a responsible approach across our operations, including our direct and indirect environmental impact and oversight of the supply chain.
Offering sustainable customer solutions Helping our customers with their sustainability goals through our service offerings with a focus on Circular Services.
Incorporating sustainability within everything we do. Read More UN Sustainable Development Goals We are focused on where we can take meaningful action.
Computacenter has been a proud signatory of the UNGC since 2007 and we are committed to supporting the 10 core principles of the UNGC, including embedding them within our supply chain.
These mandatory cookies are used only for technical reasons, such as storing your consent or authentification.
Ces cookies obligatoires ne sont utilisés que pour des raisons techniques, comme la mémorisation de votre consentement ou de votre authentification.
Diese obligatorischen Cookies werden nur aus technischen Gründen verwendet, z. B. zum Speichern Ihrer Zustimmung oder Authentifizierung.
Deze verplichte cookies worden alleen om technische redenen gebruikt, zoals het opslaan van uw toestemming of authenticatie.
1st party
1 year
Memorize if the visitor has seen the consent message, to avoid poping this message on every page viewed.
1st party
1 year
Memorize the visitor location preference to redirect him to the right location.
1st party
Session cookie for server side scripting. This cookie identify your session.
1st party
Session cookie for CMS SitefInity. This cookie identify your session.
No personal data is gathered.
IP adress are anonymized before being sent.
No data is shared to other Google products.
Data retention is set to 14 months.
Aucune donnée personnelle n'est collectée.
Les adresses IP sont anonymisées avant d'être envoyées.
Aucune donnée n'est partagée avec d'autres produits Google.
La conservation des données est fixée à 14 mois.
Es werden keine personenbezogenen Daten erhoben.
IP-Adressen werden vor der Übermittlung anonymisiert.
Es werden keine Daten an andere Google-Produkte weitergegeben.
Die Datenspeicherung ist auf 14 Monate festgelegt.
Er worden geen persoonlijke gegevens verzameld.
IP-adressen worden geanonimiseerd voordat ze worden verzonden.
Er worden geen gegevens gedeeld met andere Google-producten.
De bewaartermijn voor gegevens is ingesteld op 14 maanden.
1st party
1 year
Memorize if the visitor has consent to give more details about its visit but still without any personal data.
1st party
14 months
used to distinguish users, visitor ID is a random ID which doesn't allow to identify a specific user.
1st party
14 months
used to store the session information, to know how many sessions have been made and session duration
These ReciteMe cookies are used when using the accessibility tool.
Ces cookies ReciteMe sont utilisés lors de l'utilisation de l'outil d'accessibilité.
Diese ReciteMe-Cookies werden bei der Verwendung des Barrierefreiheits-Tools verwendet.
Deze ReciteMe-cookies worden gebruikt bij het gebruik van de toegankelijkheidstool.
1st party
1 year
Memorize if the visitor has consent to allow cookies from reciteme tool.
1st party
Session cookie for server side scripting. This cookie identify your session.
1st party
Session cookie for server side scripting. This cookie identify your session.
3rd party
Deleted when ReciteMe is turned off
3rd party
Deleted when Recite Me is turned off
Analytics cookie to measure usage of ReciteMe
Cookies and Privacy Policy
Cookies et politique de vie privée
Cookies und Datenschutzbestimmungen
Cookies en privacybeleid
Essential cookies will be placed on your computer to memorize your choices: preferences and consents. You can decide to disable cookies in your web browser, click here to find out how.
Regarding non-essential cookies, if you click on ''Accept'', we will place cookies on your computer for analysis and tracking purposes to improve our website and measure its interest.
These being considered as personal data, you can change your preferences by clicking on the icon at the bottom left of the website and deactivate these analysis tools.
Des cookies essentiels seront placés sur votre ordinateur pour mémoriser vos choix : préférences et consentements. Vous pouvez décider de désactiver les cookies dans votre navigateur Web, cliquez-ici pour savoir comment faire.
Concernant les cookies non-essentiels, si vous cliquez sur ''Accepter'', nous placerons des cookies sur votre ordinateur à des fins d'analyses et de tracking pour améliorer notre site web et en mésurer l'intérêt.
Ceux-ci étants considéré comme des données personnelles, vous pouvez changer vos préférences en cliquant sur l'icone en bas à gauche du site web et désactiver ces outils d'analyse.
Auf Ihrem Computer werden wichtige Cookies abgelegt, um Ihre Auswahl zu speichern: Einstellungen und Einwilligungen. Sie können Cookies in Ihrem Webbrowser deaktivieren. Klicken Sie hier, um herauszufinden, wie.
Wenn Sie in Bezug auf nicht wesentliche Cookies auf ''Akzeptieren'' klicken, werden Cookies zu Analyse- und Nachverfolgungszwecken auf Ihrem Computer platziert, um unsere Website zu verbessern und deren Interesse zu messen.
Da diese Daten als personenbezogene Daten betrachtet werden, können Sie Ihre Einstellungen ändern, indem Sie auf das Symbol unten links auf der Website klicken und diese Analysetools deaktivieren.
Essentiële cookies worden op uw computer geplaatst om uw keuzes te onthouden: voorkeuren en toestemmingen. U kunt ervoor kiezen om cookies in uw webbrowser uit te schakelen, klik hier voor meer informatie.
Wat betreft niet-essentiële cookies: als u op ''Accepteren'' klikt, zullen wij cookies op uw computer plaatsen voor analyse- en trackingdoeleinden om onze website te verbeteren en de interesse ervan te meten.
Aangezien deze worden beschouwd als persoonsgegevens, kunt u uw voorkeuren wijzigen door op het pictogram linksonder op de website te klikken en deze analysetools te deactiveren.