Design System


The Computacenter Design System provides a set of CSS utility classes that can be used on any element in order to modify anything from colour to padding or margins.


Syntax example: .flow: + inline = <div class=“flow:inline“>

  • .measure
    restricts element width to one measure token

  • .flow: + block | inline
    applies the formatting context to all direct children and adds a small gap between each

  • .margin: + block | inline
    adds a standard unit of margin in the specified direction

  • .padding: + block | inline
    adds a standard unit of margin in the specified direction

  • .height: + xsmall | small | medium | large | xlarge
    sets the element height

  • .width: + xsmall | small| medium | large | xlarge
    sets the element width

  • .flex: + block | inline
    sets the element display value to the specified flex direction

  • .justify: + end | start | center | between | around
    sets justify-content to the specified value

  • .align: + end | start | center | baseline
    sets align-items to the specified value

  • .place: + end | start | center
    sets place-self to the specified value

  • .text-align: + left | center | right
    sets text-align to the specified value


For general information see tokens/colour.

Colour tokens:
dark light lighter white
darkblue lightblue green red orange

  • .color: + colour token
    sets element text color

  • .bg: + colour token
    sets element background-color

  • .dark .light .lighter .white
    .darkblue .lightblue .green .red .orange
    used in component variants to indicate the main color


  • .hidden
    used to toggle the visibility of an element, specifically in widgets like Modal

  • [data-*]
    We use data attributes for certain style exceptions like component states (e.g the number of columns in a section). This is primarily to separate style exceptions from regular utility classes but has the added benefit of being a very efficient mechanism of interaction via JavaScript.